The safety of the students is the bus driver's first concern. To help insure safety, it is important that all bus riders know and follow the Bus Riders Rules and Regulations. If any student repeatedly fails to follow these guidelines, he or she may lose the privilege of riding the bus.
Bus drivers have a list of authorized riders and students are asked to check with them. All bus riders are subject to State Rules and Regulations as set forth by the Department of Transportation and the Uniform Code of Discipline of the Board of Education.
If you have questions concerning bus transportation, please contact the school principal.
School Bus Stop Locations
Transportation Eligibility
Resident students who live 0.5 miles or more from the school they attend are eligible for transportation.
Resident students who live less than 0.5 miles from their school are not eligible for transportation. The safe transport of these students to and from school is the responsibility of the parent.
Students who are eligible for transportation will not be required to walk more than two (2) blocks to their bus stop location.
Transportation Address & Home Address
For safety reasons, only one address may be used for both morning and afternoon transportation. Barring extenuating and legally binding circumstances, no student may be picked up at one address and returned to a different address.
Bus stops for students attending their neighborhood school are based on home addresses and daycare providers within the attendance boundary of their school.
All address changes must be executed through a student’s school or the BHAS Registrar.
New students may be informed of the nearest existing bus stop based upon the student’s reported home or transportation address. If there is no existing bus stop within the district’s bus stop guidelines, a new stop will be created. When a new stop must be created, parents should contact the school or the Transportation Department for transportation information at least one (1) business day after an updated address is reported to a school. If an existing bus stop is not within the district’s bus stop guidelines, then the parent will be responsible for transportation until a permanent bus stop is established. It may take up to five (5) business days depending on request volume. Stop requests will be processed as quickly as possible and in the order received.
Change Of Address
All address changes should be reported to the student’s school at least two (2) weeks before the scheduled change. Transportation cannot be scheduled until the Transportation Department receives an updated student record with the new home/transportation address.
The Transportation Department does not have the ability to make address changes. Address changes must be submitted through the school or the BHAS Registrar.
If an existing stop is within the walk guidelines, the student will be assigned to that existing stop. If a new stop has to be created, transportation will be the parents’ responsibility until new transportation, within the District’s bus stop walk guidelines, is arranged.
For an address change, school personnel should enter the home and/or transportation address in the student record system as soon as the new address is reported.

First Student Transportation
(269) 605-2901
Notice: Students who ride the bus must be at their designated stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Students should allow enough time BEFORE AND AFTER the scheduled stop time until a routine is established. Busses cannot wait for late students. Stop times and locations are approximate and may change without notice due to variables beyond our control.